
The answer is only the beginning.

– Chinese proverb

Our vision

At Marton Manor, we believe that every child is a mathematician.

We have high expectations that all pupils can and will achieve in Maths. 

Our intent for our mathematics curriculum:

  • All children to become fluent mathematicians who understand the relative size of numbers at all levels and are able to move fluently between operations and representations;
  • Our children to be confident, resilient mathematicians with a “can do” attitude, who enjoy the subject;
  • All children to be secure in the key age related expectations, building on their learning progressively from year to year;
  • We intend for all our children to reach the expected standards at the end of each key stage, and exceed them where possible;
  • Children to have the ability to confidently solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts;
  • Children to understand the importance of mathematics in everyday life and that it underpins all subjects;
  • Children to be equipped for the next stage of education, work and life.

Our implementation of the mathematics curriculum:

  • The daily maths lesson in KS1, KS2 and Support Base will follow the long and medium term plans (mastery approach alongside the National Curriculum) with key understanding of place value, number operations and related problem solving, reasoning and justification taking priority. These lessons all begin with a Flashback Four which involves retrieval practise of taught concepts to strengthen the neural pathways of prior learning and aid retention of learning (last lesson, last week, last half term, last year).
  • Our pupils are taught through whole class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time. This ensures that all pupils can master concepts before moving on to the next part of the curriculum sequence, ensuring no pupil is left behind.
  • In KS1 additional daily Mastering Number sessions help secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children.
  • Teachers address any gaps in pupils’ learning in daily post-teach sessions, future lessons and interventions.
  • In KS2 pupils experience a daily, short mental fluency session, based on number facts, relationships and calculations.
  • The teaching and learning of Mathematics within EYFS is planned using the Statutory Framework and progress measured towards the Early Learning Goals. There is a continuous provision of hands on, practical Mathematics based activities around the whole foundation stage setting (both indoors and outdoors) and resources can be found in each area. Pupils are given every opportunity to develop their understanding of mathematics through play-based activities which allow them to enjoy, practise and talk confidently about mathematics. As well, each day, Maths is incorporated into daily routines e.g. register, snack time and lunch choices, using the tens frame and pictograms.
  • Mastering Number from NCETM is taught four days a week in Reception as a whole class, to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children and aid the transition between EYFS and Y1.
  • Pupils in EYFS also access a group adult-led session to consolidate learning.

Impact of our mathematics curriculum:

All pupils

  • develop a positive attitude towards mathematics;
  • are resilient when faced with the unknown and therefore develop a growth mind-set as opposed to fixed;
  • make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems;
  • are curious, explore patterns and explain their reasoning through rich mathematical discussion with their peers;
  • find more ‘elegant’ ways of solving problems;
  • build up a wide range of mathematical vocabulary to use across all subject areas.

The Mastery Approach at Marton Manor 

Throughout the school, we use a mastery approach to teaching and learning which meets the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum. Mastering Maths means pupils acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.

The school uses the concrete – pictorial – abstract approach to help pupils develop a deep understanding of maths. Concrete manipulatives are used throughout the key stages, with all abilities and all ages, so pupils are given the tools to understand the problem in front of them. It helps learners to be more secure in their understanding, they are given the opportunity to discover new ideas and spot the patterns, which will help them reach the answer, and it gives pupils a firm foundation for future learning. Pupils then build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations. These representations can be used to reason and solve problems. With the foundations firmly laid, pupils can then move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence. There won’t necessarily be a linear progression from concrete to pictorial to abstract but instead a cyclical approach will be applied e.g. when a pupil has worked out the answer using an abstract method, they could be asked to use concrete manipulatives to convince others that they are correct.

The school uses this concrete – pictorial – abstract approach to promote and develop children’s fluency, reasoning and problem solving and to help all children deepen their understanding of concepts.


Pupils need to be able to recall and apply mathematical knowledge both rapidly and accurately. As well as fluency of facts, they need to be able to move confidently between contexts and representations, recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics.

Children are expected to become fluent in concepts at their year group/stage in maths, apply these concepts across the curriculum and use them for reasoning and solving problems. When they are able to do this, it is then that they are considered by the teacher to be fully secure in their knowledge and understanding at that stage. A combination of fluency, reasoning and problem solving will be planned into all lessons across the week.

Problem Solving

Pupils are encouraged to identify, understand and apply relevant mathematical principles and make connections between different ideas. Concepts will be explored in a variety of representations and problem solving contexts to give pupils a richer and deeper learning experience. Pupils will combine different concepts to solve complex problems and apply knowledge to real-life situations.


The way pupils speak and write about mathematics is vital to their learning. Pupils will be encouraged to explain the mathematics in full sentences, as well as explaining how they know an answer is correct or wrong.

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” – Albert Einstein

Maths DocumentsLink
Mathematics PolicyView
Marton Manor Maths CurriculumView
Calculation PolicyView
Mental Maths OverviewView
Lesson DesignView
Fact FluencyView
Times Tables OverviewView
Assessment ModelView

Long Term Plans

Long Term PlansLink
Nursery Long Term PlanView
Reception Long Term PlanView
Year 1 Long Term PlanView
Year 2 Long Term PlanView
Year 3 Long Term PlanView
Year 4 Long Term PlanView
Year 5 Long Term PlanView
Year 6 Long Term PlanView

Medium Term Plans and Small Steps

Medium Term Plans and Small StepsLink
Nursery Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView
Reception Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView
Year 1 Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView
Year 2 Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView
Year 3 Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView
Year 4 Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView
Year 5 Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView
Year 6 Medium Term Plan and Small StepsView

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