School Council
Two representatives are chosen from each class as representatives on the School Council on a yearly basis. The School Council does a number of things:
- They share the thoughts and views of their class with the rest of the Council.
- They provide ideas for things that they would like to see happening in school and can request equipment and staff support to implement ideas.
- The school council meets, with a teacher present – to discuss and sort out problems. These may include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.
- Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, ranging from choosing a theme for an upcoming fundraiser to picking out new paint colours for the toilets.
What are the aims of the school council?
- To make sure that our school is a safe and happy place for children.
- To make sure that children have a place to voice their concerns.
- To encourage all children in the school to suggest improvements.
- To make sure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon.
What jobs are there?
Each year, an election day is held. Pupils who wish to be on the school council put themselves forward, explaining why they would make a good school council representative.
On election day, every pupil from Year 2-6 votes for two candidates from each class who they wish to be on the school council.
The new council then elects officers such as:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
What makes our school council a good one?
“We don’t just think about ourselves. We think about the whole school”
” We listen to other people”
“We make sure if anyone has a problem or an idea, they are heard”
These are some things that make our school council effective:
- Regular meetings
- A council that is not too big
- Good communication between representatives and their class
- Smaller groups (subcommittees) working on specific events or issues
What has our school council done?
- Held several fundraisers, including organising a Christmas Jumper Day to raise money for Save the Children.
- Purchased a basketball net for the Key Stage 2 yard.
- Arranged for a cooking club to take place after school for children.
- Replaced the hand driers in the toilets.
- Organised a Reading Club for children.
- Made important decisions to help improve play times including purchasing outdoor games and equipment.
House Teams
All children belong to a team and can earn Pride Points for good work and behaviour. Every week we celebrate children’s achievements and announce the winning team at our Achievers Assembly.